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Sun Herbs

Herbs have been used for centuries in various spiritual and metaphysical practices. They are believed to have the ability to connect us to the energies of the earth and the universe. One energy that is particularly powerful is that of the sun. The sun represents vitality, strength, and life force energy. Incorporating herbs that correspond with the sun's energy into your rituals can enhance your connection to this powerful force.


Here are some herbs that correspond with the sun's energy and can be used in your rituals:


1.     St. John's Wort: This herb is associated with the sun and is often used in rituals to promote happiness and positive energy. It is believed to have the power to dispel negative energy and bring in light and positivity.


2.     Calendula: This herb is often used in rituals to bring in the energy of the sun. It is associated with joy, light, and happiness. Calendula is also believed to have healing properties and can be used in rituals for health and well-being.


3.     Chamomile: Chamomile is often used in rituals for relaxation and calming energy. It is associated with the sun and can be used to connect with the energy of warmth and comfort. Chamomile is also believed to have the ability to bring in abundance and prosperity.


4.     Rosemary: This herb is associated with the sun and is often used in rituals for protection and purification. It is believed to have the power to banish negative energy and bring in positive energy.


5.     Cinnamon: Cinnamon is often used in rituals for prosperity and success. It is associated with the sun and can be used to connect with the energy of abundance and manifestation. Cinnamon is also believed to have the ability to enhance psychic abilities and intuition.


Incorporating these herbs into your rituals can help you connect with the energy of the sun and enhance your spiritual practice. Remember to always research the properties and uses of any herbs before using them in your rituals. At Ancient Sage, we offer a wide variety of high-quality herbs for all your spiritual and metaphysical needs. Explore our collection to find the perfect herbs for your sun energy rituals.